Architecture and New Media…

30 Dec

Media has gone through a rapid evolutional process, and today we observe the substantial linkage between people and online news as the new version of the conventional print medias. Despite the previous eras, today, users could simply get the information while being capable of sharing or expanding it. Indeed, this privilege is a point of departure for further evolving…

With view to the architectural news, the role of new media and particularly online media gets fully bound up with the interactive visual media. This is due to the role of design in architecture and the power of images in representing the whole story. In an architectural news article, you may not need detailed explanations as it is preferred to limit yourself to concise explanations while providing sufficient visual documents reflecting the ins and outs of project.

Similarly, in print media, with view to architectural news, it is common to utilize maximum size of images with brief description on the project. In fact, architects, designers and artists can communicate with visuals better than text and this is why the role of new medi in architectural news, where you can have as many images as you want, becomes substantially important.

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For instances, recently, the statue of “Steve Jobs” is designed and created by famous artists and this news was widespread through online media with only representing the main image and few words.

According to recent articles about new media, referring to the mentioned points, a good news release for new media must be concise and complete, features with an active headline while highlight the most important information at the beginning.

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